Challenges Growers and Cultivators Face in the Cannabis Industry
With the current regulations in place, the cannabis industry is in the beginning stages of a major boom now that the majority of states allow for legal growing and cultivation of cannabis. CBD products are now more available than ever for consumers, which means there is a wider selection of holistic methods of reducing pain, dealing with anxiety, and other physical and mental health issues.
However, the cannabis industry is still very young, which has led many potential cannabis investors to hold off on putting significant amounts of money into growing cannabis or developing cannabis testing equipment. Additionally, there is currently a large percentage of crops that must legally be disposed of due to the violation of the federally mandated law that states no product may exceed 0.3% THC levels.
Why Are So Many Cannabis Crops Being Wasted?
Any product that has a THC level of over 0.3% is considered a “hot crop,” which essentially means it cannot legally be distributed for consumers to buy. Instead, these hot crops have to be destroyed at the grower’s expense, meaning there’s quite a bit of wasted crop (and money, by extension). In fact, statistics estimate that roughly half of the cannabis crops being grown fall into the hot crop category. With a statistic like that, you can see why potential cannabis investors are shying away from the cannabis industry.
So, what’s the cause of this? Why can’t growers effectively avoid producing hot crops? In short, the answer is testing.
What Causes the Hot Crop Issue?
In the cannabis industry, there are certain varieties of crop that naturally produce higher THC levels than others. Growers will typically avoid these particular strains knowing that they pose a significant risk of becoming a hot crop.
The other issue pertains to timing. When growing cannabis, THC levels rise as the crop is allowed to grow. If a crop is allowed to grow too much, that can inadvertently result in producing a hot crop. What’s tricky about the growing process is that crops must be regularly tested to ensure they don’t become hot crops; however, most growing operations don’t have their own cannabis testing equipment. They instead rely on third party labs, which have their own inherent pitfalls.
The Core Issues with External Lab Testing
When growing cannabis, a lot can change with the CBD and THC levels in a matter of a few days. If you send your sample off to an external lab, you may have to wait a week or two before getting your results back. During that time, your crop may have become hot while waiting for lab results. This ultimately means the crop is no longer legally usable and you will have to start all over again.
Another problem with external labs is that they are often inconsistent with their results. This is chiefly due to different labs using different types of cannabis testing equipment. Since the cannabis industry is still in its infancy, cannabis lab testing has not yet been standardized. This can lead to confusion regarding the legality of a product.
Finally, many third-party labs use cannabis testing methods that are not eco-friendly. This is due to the types of chemicals that certain labs use when testing cannabis. Not only is this bad for the environment, it’s a dark mark on the cannabis industry overall.
Fortunately, Elite Robotics is taking the steps to combat the problems most commonly associated with third-party lab testing.
Putting the Lab in the Hands of Growers and Cultivators
To avoid the common issues of testing inaccuracy, long delays, and negative ecological impact, Elite Robotics has developed accurate and affordable cannabis testing equipment for growers and cultivators. Our products are easy to use and provide accurate results. Although you will still need to go through a licensed third-party lab to get a certificate of analysis (COA), having your own in-house cannabis testing equipment gives growers and cultivators a better estimation of when they need to do that. Being able to test your own product gives you a better chance of avoiding the hot crop issue.
Eliminate the Pain Points of Lab Testing by Contacting Elite Robotics Today
Elite Robotics aims to be the solution when it comes to perfecting and standardizing cannabis testing equipment. It is our goal to give growers and farmers a reliable way to test their cannabis that is both accurate and expedient.
To find out more about our equipment or to become an investor, you can contact elite robotics at (805) 987-6217. Or you can send us a message directly using our contact form.